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Search for Next Poet Laureate

General Information

The Illinois Poet Laureate is an appointment made possible by the Office of the Governor and is collaboratively supported and administered by the Illinois Arts Council (IAC), Illinois Humanities (IH), and the Poetry Foundation.

The Illinois Poet Laureate advances the awareness of and appreciation for literary arts and humanities within the state. As a distinguished poet, the Poet Laureate represents and celebrates the diversity and history of Illinois by promoting literacy and the art of poetry through making content available and presentations at a range of public, educational, private, and electronic venues – including, but not limited to, schools, libraries, universities, community colleges, local writing groups, online, and social media. As a champion of the state’s literary community, the Poet Laureate endeavors to promote the many cultural and artistic achievements of the state of Illinois and demonstrates a commitment to promoting and celebrating the literature of Illinois’ diverse cultures, ages, abilities, orientations, and rural and urban regions.

The deadline to apply is Wednesday, March 5, 2025 at 11:59 pm.

All applications must be submitted via the applicant's IAC Salesforce account

For more information, please contact Director of Programs, Jackie Banks-Mahlum at

Eligibility Requirements

All applicants must apply using a registered Salesforce account and include proof of eligibility at the time of application.

Individual applicants must:

  • Be age 21 or older.
  • Be a current resident of Illinois with at least 5 years of residency.
  • Be willing and available to travel throughout the state.
  • Have at least four published works and/or performances in established publications (print, online, poetry journals, magazines, websites, or video) over the past three years that are not predominantly self-curated, personal websites, or personal blogs (not published in a vanity press).
  • Have an established history of promoting poetry and activity in Illinois’ literary community, including readings, publications, presentations, education, and/or advocacy.
  • Have critical acclaim as demonstrated by special honors, awards, and/or other recognition.

Compensation for Service

  • $35,000 annual compensation
  • $10,000 to be used for anticipated expenses related to programs/events, awards, reimbursements, marketing/promotion, and other approved expenditures as allowed under the grant program
  • Compensation will be administered by Illinois Humanities

Review Criteria

The Illinois Poet Laureate applications will be reviewed against the following criteria:

  1. Quality of the applicant’s work.
  2. Have received critical acclaim from the field as demonstrated by special honors, awards, and/or other recognition.
  3. Have a substantial publication history of published works and/or performances in established publications (print, online, poetry journals, magazines, websites, or video).
  4. Have demonstrated commitment to promoting awareness of poetry across diverse communities.
  5. Be comfortable serving as a representative of the State of Illinois in a variety of public spaces and convenings.
  6. Ability to develop and deliver public programming to all ages.
  7. Ability to travel the state of Illinois.


  • Poet Laureate Application Webinar
    During this webinar, IAC staff discuss application tips and best practices, including how to use the agency’s online Salesforce grant platform.

A Pre-Recorded Webinar Recording is now Available


When will the next Poet Laureate be announced?

The next Illinois Poet Laureate will be announced by April 30, 2025.

How long is the Illinois Poet Laureate appointment?

The Illinois Poet Laureate appointment is an at-will, four-year term ending June 30, 2029.

Who is eligible to apply?

At the time of application, individual applicants must: 

  • Meet Eligibility Requirements as described above.
  • Submit no more than one application.
  • Apply utilizing a Salesforce account registered to the applicant.
  • Submit all requested application materials. 

Who is not eligible to apply?

  • Those who do not meet the above eligibility requirements.
  • Organizations or schools. This opportunity is for individuals only.

How will the compensation be paid?

Compensation will be administered by Illinois Humanities.

Is the compensation taxable?

Yes. The Internal Revenue Code provides that the full amount of compensation is taxable to the recipient.
